Command Line Reference


class molecule.command.check.Check

Check Command Class.

molecule check

Target the default scenario.

molecule check --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug check

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml check

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml check

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

molecule check --parallel

Run in parallelizable mode.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.



Clean Up

class molecule.command.cleanup.Cleanup

Cleanup Command Class.

This action has cleanup and is not enabled by default. See the provisioner’s documentation for further details.

molecule cleanup

Target the default scenario.

molecule cleanup --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug cleanup

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml cleanup

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml cleanup

Load an env file to read variables when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




Converge will execute the sequence necessary to converge the instances.

class molecule.command.converge.Converge

Converge Command Class.

molecule converge

Target the default scenario.

molecule converge --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule converge -- -vvv --tags foo,bar

Providing additional command line arguments to the ansible-playbook command. Use this option with care, as there is no sanitation or validation of input. Options passed on the CLI override options provided in provisioner’s options section of molecule.yml.

molecule --debug converge

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml converge

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml converge

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.create.Create

Create Command Class.

molecule create

Target the default scenario.

molecule create --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule create --driver-name foo

Targeting a specific driver.

molecule --debug create

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml create

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml create

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.dependency.Dependency

Dependency Command Class.

molecule dependency

Target the default scenario.

molecule dependency --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug dependency

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml dependency

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml dependency

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.destroy.Destroy

Destroy Command Class.

molecule destroy

Target the default scenario.

molecule destroy --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule destroy --all

Target all scenarios.

molecule destroy --driver-name foo

Targeting a specific driver.

molecule --debug destroy

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml destroy

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml destroy

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

molecule destroy --parallel

Run in parallelizable mode.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.idempotence.Idempotence

Runs the converge step a second time. If no tasks will be marked as changed the scenario will be considered idempotent.

molecule idempotence

Target the default scenario.

molecule idempotence --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug idempotence

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml idempotence

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml idempotence

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.init.role.Role

Init Role Command Class.

molecule init role foo

Initialize a new role.

Initialize a new role using ansible-galaxy and include default molecule directory. Please refer to the init scenario command in order to generate a custom molecule scenario.

Construct Role.

class molecule.command.init.scenario.Scenario

Scenario Class.

molecule init scenario bar --role-name foo

Initialize a new scenario. In order to customise the role, please refer to the init role command.

cd foo; molecule init scenario bar --role-name foo

Initialize an existing role with Molecule:

cd foo; molecule init scenario bar --role-name foo

Initialize a new scenario using a local cookiecutter template for the driver configuration.

Construct Scenario.


class molecule.command.lint.Lint

Lint command executes external linters.

You need to remember to install those linters. For convenience, there is a package extra that installs the most common ones, use it like python3 -m pip install "molecule[lint]".

molecule lint

Target the default scenario.

molecule lint --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug lint

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml lint

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml lint

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.list.List

List command shows information about current scenarios.

molecule list

Target the default scenario.

molecule list --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule list --format plain

Machine readable plain text output.

molecule list --format yaml

Machine readable yaml output.

molecule --debug list

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml list

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml list

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.login.Login

Login Command Class.

molecule login

Target the default scenario.

molecule login --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule login --host hostname

Targeting a specific running host.

molecule login --host hostname --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific running host and scenario.

molecule --debug login

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml login

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml login

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Construct Login.


Matrix will display the subcommand’s ordered list of actions, which can be changed in scenario configuration.

class molecule.command.matrix.Matrix

Matric Command Class.

molecule matrix subcommand

Target the default scenario.

molecule matrix --scenario-name foo subcommand

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug matrix subcommand

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml matrix subcommand

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml matrix subcommand

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.prepare.Prepare

This action is for the purpose of preparing a molecule managed instance before the molecule.command.converge.Converge action is run.

Tasks contained within the prepare.yml playbook in the scenario directory will be run remotely on the managed instance. This action is run only once per test sequence.

molecule prepare

Target the default scenario.

molecule prepare --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule prepare --driver-name foo

Targeting a specific driver.

molecule prepare --force

Force the execution fo the prepare playbook.

molecule --debug prepare

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml prepare

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml prepare

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.



Side Effect

class molecule.command.side_effect.SideEffect

This action has side effects and not enabled by default.

See the provisioners documentation for further details.

molecule side-effect

Target the default scenario.

molecule side-effect --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug side-effect

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml side-effect

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml side-effect

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.syntax.Syntax

Syntax Command Class.

molecule syntax

Target the default scenario.

molecule syntax --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug syntax

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml syntax

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml syntax

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




Test will execute the sequence necessary to test the instances.

class molecule.command.test.Test

Test Command Class.

molecule test

Target the default scenario.

molecule test --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule test --all

Target all scenarios.

molecule test --destroy=always

Always destroy instances at the conclusion of a Molecule run.

molecule --debug test

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml test

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml test

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

molecule test --parallel

Run in parallelizable mode.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.




class molecule.command.verify.Verify

Verify Command Class.

molecule verify

Target the default scenario.

molecule verify --scenario-name foo

Targeting a specific scenario.

molecule --debug verify

Executing with debug.

molecule --base-config base.yml verify

Executing with a base-config.

molecule --env-file foo.yml verify

Load an env file to read variables from when rendering molecule.yml.

Initialize code for all command classes.


c – An instance of a Molecule config.

